Indoor S’mores Casserole

S'mores Casserole by Country Wife Chronicles

I heart s’mores. I mean really, truly, love the yummy combination of chocolate, mallow, and graham. My mouth is watering just thinking about the flavors (insert long, satisfying sigh here).

S’mores have been a summertime favorite for us on the fire pit, as I’m sure most of you might also agree. But what about the other seasons of the year? Why should we forget about these delectable treats in the cold and frosty days of winter?

The answer: we don’t have to. S’mores Casserole—made right in your oven. Now you can add some warmth to your kitchen with a hot oven and send the tantalizing smell of s’mores throughout the house! What a perfect pairing with hot cocoa on a cold afternoon! (Are you convinced to go try this recipe yet?)

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Pecan Caramel Popcorn

Pecan Caramel Popcorn, Country Wife Chronicles

Those that know me well; know that I have a slight obsession with Christmas. I relish this season of hope, peace, and love. I love the warm and cozy smells of the holidays, the crackling fireplaces, the fresh-fallen blanket of snow…these things awaken my senses and nourish my soul.

I bust out all my favorite Christmas movies, put my Christmas playlists on a constant repeat cycle, and I spend a whole lotta time in the kitchen. I love to bake, and the holidays, for me, just equate baking love.

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Mexi-Style Breakfast Hash

mexi style breakfast hash at Country Wife Chronicles

When Wildland Man is away and my motivation is lacking in the kitchen, I find that a nice big-batch meal is ideal. I work my magic, or lack there of, in the kitchen once for a whole lot of pay out, and then I have leftovers on hand throughout the week to reach for when I’m not wanting to make anything new. Which happens a lot. I’ve mentioned my issues with this before, right? 

This breakfast hash is the perfect big-batch dish—it is so savory and yummy that I can honestly eat it for any meal of the day—not just breakfast.

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Chile Rellenos Casserole

Chile Rellenos Casserole from Country Wife Chronicles

I have a confession to make. I am no chef. I wouldn’t even say that I cook. That’s my husband’s role. I bake. I love to bake. I could hang in the kitchen all day long with my oven on. So, when I decided I wanted to play the role of doting housewife and have dinner on the table for my husband (ok, at least once in awhile—he still does the majority of the cooking, and often helps me with the savory recipes you see here on Country Wife Chronicles), I knew that an oven-based dish would be the way to go.

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One Tamale, Two Tamale Casserole

Tamale Casserole from Country Wife Chronicles

So, tamales…love ‘em, don’t have the first clue how to make ‘em. Though I could probably figure it out, it just seems more practical to take the ingredients and throw them together in a one-and-done casserole. Casseroles are one of my very favorite things. For this reason exactly—I can quickly recreate the flavors and taste of practically any dish I love with minimal preparation and clean up. Who doesn’t love that concept? I mean, really.

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Quick Delish Pasta Dish

Quick Delish Pasta Dish from Country Wife Chronicles

Ok, just so we are clear, this recipe is not for those watching calories. It’s definitely not the healthiest dish on the planet, but it is warm and yummy and comforting. And quick, oh so quick. Bonus: it can be made with stuff you probably already have on hand in your pantry and freezer.

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Loving the Country Life

Loving the Country Life at Country Wife Chronicles

Call me a redneck. A country bumpkin. A hick from the hills. Honestly, I’d say these are all compliments. I know, I know…most of these terms are considered derogatory, but the way I look at it, I’d rather be considered any of these than a city slicker. But maybe that’s just me.

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