Happy Birthday CWC! {Part 4}

Happy Birthday Country Wife Chronicles! Feature Image

We are quickly winding down our blogiversary series here at CWC. The month of March will kickoff a whole new series for y’all, but I’ll be getting to that a little later on.

I’ve been having so much fun with this series; I hope y’all are enjoying it as much as I am! I have thoroughly appreciated taking a look back at the history behind CWC, the story of our launch, and sharing some lessons learned over the past year, as well as a few of my favorite blogs to boot.

I still can’t believe it’s been one year. The time has gone by so fast. I feel like we’ve covered much ground over the past year, yet I feel like I have even more to share!

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My New Year’s Resolution FAIL

New Years Resolution FAIL Feature Image

Happy New Year! Oh, just a few days late…

So, let’s dive in to today’s topic, shall we? My New Year’s Resolution FAIL.

Yup, you read that right; I somehow managed to fail at my New Year’s resolution just a few days into the New Year. I couldn’t even make it into February like the rest of the world…

And for me, this fail is kinda monumental.

You see, as you should already know by now, I am a planner. Which means I love goals.

And I’m all about intention, which means when I set out to do something, I complete the task.

Oh, and I’m a perfectionist, which means I hate the feeling of failure.

I looked it up, and Google defines resolution as “a firm decision to do or not do something.” So, I guess that means I could revise my resolution to say that I was NOT going to do what I said I was going to do, and then I’d be a success. Or is that cheating?

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