5 More Tips for Taking Back the Sabbath

5 More Tips for Taking Back the Sabbath Blog Title

In my original post, Taking Back the Sabbath,” I shared how establishing boundaries in my life that included guarding the Sabbath as a holy and restful experience was a critical factor in my shift to slow down.   I spoke of my struggles to balance work and home life and suggested 5 tips to help you take back the Sabbath in your home.

Today I’m sharing 5 more tips with you that I hope you will find helpful and inspiring when it comes to taking back the Sabbath in your own life.

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Taking Back the Sabbath

Taking Back the Sabbath Feature Image

The day starts in a rush…packing lunches, picking up the kitchen, and trying to get out the door for work or an appointment. Hopefully a workout can get fit in somewhere, a quick scrub-down of the house in a spare moment, while paying bills and checking off the to-do list get pushed to tomorrow. And this is just your day-to-day schedule, add in a husband’s, children’s, and anyone else that depends on you and your agenda is overflowing.

The week has been survived and while looking forward to the weekend reprieve the realization hits that there is no such thing when it comes to your schedule. The weekend is full of activities, events, projects, and an overdue to-do list. You’ll be lucky if you get everything you “need” to get accomplished done in a matter of two days.

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Choosing Stillness: 10 Tips for Slowing Down

Choosing Stillness Feature Image at Country Wife Chronicles

Stillness is absolutely a choice.  I know, that can be hard to hear.  But it’s true. Stillness is a choice that can seem obstinate and far away, even unattainable and it is definitely easier said than done, like for real.  But still a choice nonetheless.  I can say this, because I’ve been on the crazy train of hectic schedules and full calendars and I’ve made the choice to get off and be still.  I did it, and you can too.

Perhaps, stillness is appealing to you…foreign and new, enticing you to try to figure it out.  There was a time when I was absolutely overcome by my overloaded commitments and my soul sincerely yearned for stillness.  Maybe you’ve been there.  Maybe you are there.  Trust me, coming from the other side, stillness is achievable and oh, so worth the effort.

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Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness {Part 2}

Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness--Part 2 Feature Image

In Part 1 of “Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness,” I shared how I reconnect with the Lord by spending quiet time alone with Him on a daily basis. I shared with you what quiet time is and what it can look like. I am hopeful that the readers of Country Wife Chronicles also shared their own examples of what quiet time can look like in their comments on Part 1 and will do so again here.

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Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness {Part 1}

Drawing Nearer to God in the Stillness--Part 1 Feature Image

Every once in awhile, seemingly at random, I begin to feel distanced from God…maybe only slightly, but it’s there. A prayer that feels like it’s left hanging in the atmosphere, never quite reaching the heavens. A rushed-through devotional because I just don’t have the time today to let the message sink in and truly resonate with my soul. A solemn, bummed out feeling that I can’t quite seem to place. A general lack of connection

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