My Endo Action Plan {Part 1}

My Endo Action Plan {Part 1} Feature Image

This post was originally published on March 19, 2018 and republished on April 12, 2021.

Last week was pretty raw, I know.

My hope is that someone out there can relate to my honesty and no longer feel alone. Or that someone else now has a better understanding of what a loved one may endure if they are struggling with endometriosis and/or infertility.

Trying for Baby…with Endometriosis” was a candid look at where I am in real life at the moment. And sometimes I just need to experience the lows with the highs. I work through the downer moments the best I can, and yeah, sometimes I may wallow a bit longer than I should.

But, in the end, I remind myself of where my hope lies. I say a prayer for the good Lord to pull me through. And I pick myself up off the floor and figure out my next move.

You know by now that I’m a planner, a lister, a doer. I like to have a game plan in front of me with a goal to work toward. So, after working through the emotional side of coming to terms with my endometriosis diagnosis and the struggles I’m now facing with natural conception as a result of endometriosis, I am ready to get an action plan in place.

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